The Viral Small Business & Social Media

Discover the "Viral Social Media Secret Formula"  that Restaurants & Retail are using to fill their businesses with new customers every week.

...And how you can use it to grow your social media following, build a marketing list, and generate new customers on demand.

Discover the Powerful "News Cycle Email Writing Formula" that Ben Adkins used to make millions of dollars for himself and his clients over the last 5 years.

Ever wonder how certain businesses are able to get customers seemingly on-demand while others struggle to get attention?

A few years back, I stumbled onto a technique that allows us to use social media to drive an endless amount of customers to the front door of any of the Restaurants & Retail that we work with.

It's all built on a powerful formula that gets local community members to fall all over themselves talk about the business we want to grow. 

The Secret?
We give these people a "too good to ignore" incentive to act as our biggest fans and then leverage that "love" to go viral in that community.

The Result?

Lots of new weekly leads, sales, and repeat customers who are doing everything they can to tell all of their social media friends about our business.

The Really Great News?
We're sharing that formula for the first time in a special workshop that you can watch right now and start getting results with as early as next week.

More Info Below...



Challenge Level



32 minutes

Time to Consume


Inside You'll Learn:

  • The powerful human psychology that all "Viral Marketing Campaigns" play on to achieve a huge level of attention for their creators.

  • The 3 core reasons that every viral post takes off and how you can take advantage of those things for your business.

  • The exact social post template that you can use to light the fire underneath your marketing campaigns on your way to going viral.

  • Our special "Viral Campaign" formula from start to finish.

  • The special tools that we use to manage all of our viral campaigns and how we automate everything.

  • A look at a real viral campaign that we've been running for customers for years that continues to deliver week after week.

  • Exactly how to turn a freebie or a discounted product seeker and turn them into a customer that pays you thousands of dollars a year.

  • How to use these viral campaigns to gain hundreds or social followers each month, build a marketing list (that you can send offers to anytime you want), and generate new and profitable customers... all at the same time.

  • How to finally turn your social media pages into a "Profit Machine" that brings in new business every single week.

Workshop Breakdown


Part 1:
The Human Psychology of Going Viral on Social Media Explained.

In this section, you'll learn exactly why post go viral on social media and the human motivations behind it.

Specifically, you'll discover the 3 core reasons why certain post go viral and how you can leverage those reasons into tons of new customers for your business every single week.


Part 2:
How to Engineer Virality for your Small Business and Guarantee it works every time.

In this section, you'll discover the exact formula for convincing your local market to fall all over themselves to share your business and products with their friends and family.

You'll see the exact "viral machine" that we've built for hundreds of businesses that has helped them generate new social followers, leads, and sales every single week since we turned it on.

This is the real "perpetual new customer machine" that we've been dialing in for our small business customer for years and you get to see it all.


Part 3:
How to turn a "free gift seeking" customer (that found out about you in a viral social media post) into thousands of dollars in sales over the next year.

You'll learn exactly how to offer a freebie or discounted product/service and turn that into a customer that spends thousands of dollars per year with you.

This is the holy grail for all small business owners. Once you understand how to turn these "small giveaways" into big business using our "3 profit boosters" strategy.


Part 4:
How to guarantee new customers from your "Viral Engine" without having to set anything up yourself (or having to understand complicated technology and software)

You'll see the exact tools that we use to power our Viral marketing and also how you can get everything set up and run for you.

This works for those that want to do everything themselves as well as those that would like to have everything set up and run for them.


About the Workshop Creator

Terence Douglas is a digital business-based business owner and online business Coach. Has been in business for over 20 years and always had a passion for business. After discovering how online tools has grown his business he is now sharing these things with other businesses, helping them get the same success.


Our programs are for serious entrepreneurs with real businesses. With that said, we offer a 60-day money-back guarantee instead of the typical 30-day guarantee. This is because we want you to have plenty of time to go through the program and put it into action. 

If, after you've gone through the full program and taken action, it's still not a fit, we are more than happy to buy the program back from you if you submit a request before 60 days.

Contact us using the support link below for details.

Your Purchase is Protected by our Satisfaction Promise.

©2023 Douglas Digital Agency